Saturday, June 16, 2012

prayer for mercy and compassion

I pray to God that may His mercy and compassion spread throughout our world.

Our world needs much healing. 

Our world is impoverished not only materially but also spiritually.

Materially- because there is the presence of a large number of people in poverty.

Spiritually- because mankind is suffering of poverty of love, compassion and mercy.

May the hearts of mankind be inspired with love, compassion, and mercy.

May people be inspired to act in love, compassion, and mercy.

May God turn the hearts of stone to hearts of flesh- that there be more people who would spread love, compassion, and mercy.

May God shine the light of His love to mankind, that there may be more people who will impart this light, and inspire people to be compassionate, to be merciful, and loving.

When men live love, compassion, and mercy, it follows that material poverty will become lessened through the acts of kindness from those who can help.

I pray that the will of God may happen in this world...

May love, compassion, and mercy help to accomplish the will of God in this world...

God desires the good for mankind...

Mankind will live better when our lives will be based on love, mercy and compassion.

I pray to God for these, so that the world will become a better place for us as time passes by.

God bless everyone....

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